
Showing posts from October, 2019

CoolSculpting: Say Later to Loose Skin and Double Chin

CoolSculpting’s Newest FDA Approval CoolSculpting has been a well-known and highly demanded non-invasive fat reduction treatment for some time. Most individuals think of the device being used to treat larger areas of the body, but it is also used to reduce a double chin. For many patients with submental fullness, fat and loose skin are both an issue. Fortunately, CoolSculpting is now the first and only non-surgical device that is FDA-cleared to treat submental fat and laxity in one procedure. CoolSculpting Can Treat Large and Small Parts of the Body CoolSculpting first gained FDA-approval in 2010 to treat abdominal fat using very cold temperatures that destroyed and eliminated fat cells. Patients became attracted to this non-invasive treatment because it offered a way to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat with no downtime. CoolSculpting has continued to expand their FDA-approved applicators to address patient concerns in other parts of the body including love ha